Corporate Governance

Mosaico com imagens empresariais


The administration of the different companies comprising the SATA Group is based on mechanisms that allow evaluating and holding board members accountable for their management and performance.

We are committed to acting ethically and responsibly towards our employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners. To this end, we have adopted a set of corporate practices and policies that, aligned with our mission, vision, values, and strategic objectives, guide the actions and decisions of our companies.



The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

The regulations of the SATA HOLDING S.A. Board of Directors establish the statutes applicable to the organization and functioning of the Society's Board of Directors, along with the rules of conduct to be observed by its members.

> SATA HOLDING S.A. Board of Directors regulation only available in portuguese.

> Regulamento do Conselho de Administração SATA INTERNACIONAL – AZORES AIRLINES, S.A. only available in portuguese.

> Regulamento do Conselho de Administração SATA AIR AÇORES S.A. only available in portuguese.

> Regulamento do Conselho de Administração SATA – GESTÃO AERÓDROMOS, S. A. only available in portuguese.



> SATA Holding Statute only available in portuguese.

> SATA Internacional Statute only available in portuguese.

> SATA Air Açores Statute only available in portuguese.

> SATA Gestão de Aeródromos Statute only available in portuguese.

Organization charts

Organization charts

> SATA Internacional organization chart only available in portuguese.

> SATA Air Açores organization chart only available in portuguese.

> SATA Gestão de Aeródromos organization chart only available in portuguese.   


Ethics and Conduct Code

Its purpose is to determine the basis for responsible behavior, with duties and rules of an ethical and business nature that should guide the conduct of all employees and managers of the several companies in the SATA Group.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for Suppliers sets the minimum standards of conduct for suppliers who work for or on behalf of the SATA Group, and we expect our suppliers to support our commitment to doing not only what is good for business but also for our professionals and the communities in which they live and work.

Human Rights Policy

We assume a corporate culture in which human dignity is paramount and respect for human rights is a minimum guarantee of compliance in our operations.


Anti-corruption Policy

Our organization's activities are guided by high standards of responsibility and professional ethics based on the principles of integrity, transparency, honesty, dedication, rigor, and good faith, promoting an organizational culture built on solid foundations of high professional diligence and loyalty to the company's interests and those of our clients.

Ethics Channel

The internal whistleblowing channel is a secure, confidential, and anonymous channel that can be used to report irregularities concerning any SATA Group company.



Privacy Policy

The SATA Group is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of your personal data, and this obligation extends to all its employees and suppliers who handle this information.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We have adopted a corporate culture of valuing our people, in which inclusion and diversity enhance the growth of talent and the quality of leadership and are, therefore, a differentiating factor in our success.

Risk Management Policy

We are committed to identifying, reducing, and controlling the hazards inherent in our activity by implementing measures and periodically monitoring the main risks.


Acceptance of Offers, Benefits, and Advantages Policy

This policy aims to identify the rules that employees must observe to avoid the risk of the company being vulnerable to accusations of dishonesty.

Conflict of Interest Management Policy

We have established guidelines that allow us to identify, prevent, and resolve situations that may present themselves as a conflict of interest to promote an ethical and upright environment that generates trust and is based on respect for compliance with principles of legality and responsibility.

Good Conduct for Prevention and Combating Harassment at Work Policy

We promote dignified working conditions that enable personal and professional fulfillment and the reconciliation of work and family life in an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.


Risk Management Model

Risk management is part of the SATA Group's culture and all its management processes, aimed at minimizing the impact of risks on the organization and reducing the uncertainty and volatility of their occurrence.

Corruption and Related Offenses Risk Prevention Plan

At the SATA Group, we aim to adopt a management approach involving the entire organization in identifying corruption risks, situations likely to generate conflicts of interest and incompatibilities, and the outline of measures to be implemented to prevent their occurrence.